Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Shellings toh sure

Shout Out to the virgins that will lost their virginity tonight.

Stop being a Racism.

Always trust me even when i lies!

But of course. Has anything changes since yesterday?"

But u must be special to have been single out.

I love my causin 2face Idibia.

U better live me alone and just stay happy with ur died rose..

The Patience dog eats the smallest bone.

how many childs wud tuface hav before he clocks 80_____???"

Nobody was born a winners.

after much prayers she overcomed the illness.

not to bragging but I don't Gbagaun"

So babes still fight over a guys???

I’m stalk in traffic.

1 comment:


    How many times I've I telling you to call my name well..
